Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Spring Break is HERE!

I am just so thankful it is Spring Break. The new school district I am teaching in this year has a great schedule. They have the week prior to Easter off. For me, that is a very good thing. The previous district had a random week off, not tied to the holiday at all. This presented some issues for me, being Catholic. I always had to take Good Friday off of work. This caused a hardship for the school, since all the other practicing Catholics (as well as MANY other Christians) also would take this date off. There were never enough substitutes to cover all of the classes. Art, Music, PE, Library, Guidance.. anyone without a full time class would be pulled to cover teaching vacancies. If there wasn't enough coverage than classes would have to double up for the day. Tell me, what teaching and learning is happening??? All of this crazy hoopla is because this district didn't want to appear insensitive to those who did not have the same religious beliefs. Hmm... I never truly understood the rationale since it caused so much chaos.

Riley had some dental work done today. He had 6 teeth worked on. I am learning that this is fairly common for children who are adopted a little older. His nutrition was not what it should have been early in life, and his little teeth suffered for it. He was the supreme trooper at the dentist.

In May both boys will go to see a pediatric orthodontist. James is about at the age where all of this starts. He has major crowding in his mouth... just like his father did. Jerry didn't get braces until he was 20!! He got them off just months before our wedding.

Riley is going to need some major dental work. He has a severe underbite. It seems that some of this is easier corrected at a younger age while the jaw is more pliable. If we wait they would have to break his jaw!!! Ummm.... no thanks! I hear that is absolutely misearble. If we can avoid that by starting now, I am all for it.

We are concerned how this will effect Riley's articulation. He currently goes to Speech three days a week. (It was 5 days a week previously.) His Speech Pathologist, whom we LOVE, says it will be no problem... but geesh... I just can't see that this will make his language easier to understand with a dental thingymabob on the roof of his mouth. We are just going to trust that we are doing this at the right time.

The weather here is gorgeous! We spent about an hour at the park yesterday. Several of Riley's little friends from school met for a playdate. Madeline LOVED the big slides. James rode down the different big slides... I mean BIG slides with her... she just laughed and squealed and tried to climb back up again. That girl is one crazy girl. The little kid area just wasn't enough for her. She scares me!! James was the ultimate big brother playing with all of the younger children. He is just so good.

What a great family I have!!

1 comment:

Mommy Spice said...

Sounds like you guys are having a ball...well, except the dental stuff. But it has to be done, and better now than later. Spicy Girl is the same way at the park. She is a little daredevil!