Monday, April 03, 2006

Stop the Insanity!

It is ironic... just when you think life is heading in a more peaceful and positive direction, a curve ball is thrown your way. We found out on Friday that a parent at James' school, (also the school where I teach) committed suicide on Thursday. There was actually a 14 hour standoff with police at a hotel! This family has three young children. How will these precious babies ever handle it when they learn what their father has done.

From what has been shared, the kids are aware his has passed away, but unaware that he took his own life. The kids are in 4th grade, 2nd grade and a preschooler. WOW! It is just so sad.

Please, please, please... if you or someone you know is struggling, talks of suicide or drastically changes behavior, help is there. Talk to someone, ANYONE! It will get better!

Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers.

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