Saturday, April 01, 2006

Well, for those of you who read this... and I don't even know if anyone does, we need your prayers, positive thoughts,etc.

With all of our very unexpected costs associated with the three deaths in our family a few months ago, we currently do not have the money to travel to China. We are praying that the money will be there at the time we need it. I can't imagine what will happen if it is not. My thoughts on what would happen are that I would travel alone. WOW! That is a daunting thought. I can't imagine not having Jerry by my side.

I know we would NEVER put the adoption on hold. We must go get our daughter.

So... if anyone has the ear of God, please let Him know we could use some direction. We know this adoption is part of His plan. We certainly never thought when we brought Riley home we would do this again. But, here we sit on the cusp of referral and have no clue if the money will be there.

Hmmm... tests are not fun. Faith is not easy. Life is challenging. Our baby WILL come home.

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