Monday, December 18, 2006

36 Hours

In 36 hours from now we will be on our way to China! How did that happen??? It seems like just yesterday we received our referral. Heck, wasn't I just ticked off about our TA being delayed? Now, the time has come to bring my sweet Madeline home. It is amazing.

The boys are all packed. iPods are charged. Portable DVD players and Gameboys are charged. Money is ready. Those new bills were not too easy to come by this time. The bank was fantastic, but they just weren't receiving new quality bills. Jerry and I are almost all packed. We have a few odds and ends to complete tomorrow.

Jerry will bring our dog, Holly, to his brother's house and pick his sister up tomorrow afternoon. We are so thankful to have Kathy join us on this journey. She is a special blessing. We know she will be a rock and a distraction for the boys when needed. Jerry is only working 4 hours tomorrow so he can do all of the last minute running around. I am working a full day. Right now I am thinking I have lost my mind trying to work tomorrow. It is for the best, though. I want to have every possible minute with Madeline when she gets home. Every day I work now is a day I can stay home with her later on.

I was surfing the net earlier and came upon a website of a family with four children. The mother stays at home and the father works for the school district. The father has recently started seminary classes which will cost around $10,000. He has a graph on his website regarding the funds he has and needs to continue his religious education. It says $3505 God has provided. $6495 God will provide. I think that graph sums up this process for me. When Jerry and I married, almost 17 years ago we both knew we wanted a big family. We tried for 6 years to get pregnant to no avail. When we finally did get pregnant, it was after our doctor told us we had literally, a one in three million chance of getting pregnant. Well, James was our first miracle. God gave him to us as a special gift. He knew we were ready to be parents.

We tried unsuccesfully to have another child on our own. We tried to medically make it happen. On February 5, 2002 I had an ectopic rupture. I didn't even know I was pregnant. I was very, very sick... almost dying. Jerry and I learned then, that we weren't supposed to try to get pregnant again. I would not risk having James grow up without a mother for my own selfish pursuits. In 2003, without any where near the money we needed to complete an adoption we started our paperchase for our first child from China. We spent the next year saving money, praying and waiting for our "daughter" from China. On March 9, 2004 we received our referral for Riley.... our son from China. We were blown away. We were amazed. We were in love. I realized within seconds of receiving the shocking news that we had a SON from China that he was OUR son. God showed me the signs. Riley was born on January 11, 2002... just a few weeks before my ectopic rupture. Both of my boys have birthdays with all ones (James, 11/11 Riley, 1/11) This was another sign. I had to lose that baby in 2002 AND not pursue getting pregnant again because MY baby was waiting for me in China. I knew instantly that he was my baby. Riley is my second miracle.

Now, as we prepare of our third child, I sit in awe of the wonders of life. We have a daughter. A daughter who was born the day after we buried my mother-in-law. Jerry's mother was a strong woman who loved her children and grandchildren more than life itself. She knew it was time to go.... now we know why. We believe God needed her to watch over our Madeline in China. We will bring her home to complete our family. Our beautiful daughter. Madeline is my third miracle.

Not many people can say they have truly been blessed with three miracles in their lives. Jerry and I have..... our children are everything and more than we ever dreamed of. They are our guiding force to do well and walk in the light of God's love.

I will try to post a picture of my three miracles together at last from China, if I can. If not, I will once we return home.

I am truly humbled. God has provided.


B-squared said...

Hi Mary,
I hope you have a safe and happy journey. We are in Nanning now and enjoying our time with Keira, although she is grieving so much right now.
Best wishes on your trip!

Julie said...

Safe travels my bloggie buddy, I'll be thinking of you and waiting rather impatiently for a photo of the 3 miracles when you return.

Enjoy your time together in China it's a "twice" in a lifetime trip!

PandaMom said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!...and what a way to celebrate Christmas! Hope your family travels safely to bring home your precious blessing! Look forward to new pics as soon as jet-lag is over!!

Mommy Spice said...

Can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures!!

Julie said...

Thinking of you today and hoping you are safely home or will be very soon!!!

Can't wait to see the pictures!!!


Mommy Spice said...

It's January 8 now. Still looking desperately for pictures of your new addition. Hee-Hee!!

Home you are all home, safe and well.