Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Thought I Would Ask Riley

I saw this on Jasmine and Thalia's blog and thought I would ask the same questions to Riley. Here are his responses!

What is you favorite color? Yellow

What is your favorite outfit? Gymnastic clothes

What do you most like to do? Play with the girls across the street

What is your favorite food? Tacos, bananas, pizza and oranges... oh and peanut butter and jelly and ham and cheese

What are you going to be when you grow up? helicopter pilot or a baby doctor (OB)

What makes you giggle? tickles

What makes you happy? when I am laughing my butt off (nice, huh?)

What makes you mad? when James gets on my bed

What makes you sad? Daddy going to work

Can you tell me something about China? We ate Chinese noodles. I came out of my birth mother.

What do you like to do outside? ride my bike and play with the girls

Anything else you want to say? I like Captain Jack Sparrow. Yo ho, Yo ho, a pirate's life for me.

1 comment:

Mommy Spice said...

I love the last one...Jack Sparrow. That's cute.