Saturday, March 29, 2008

Feeling Girly

I am feeling girly today! I had a great morning of Mommy/Daughter fun with Madeline. We primped, dressed alike.. kind of, did our hair and just enjoyed spending several hours together. Jerry had taken the boys to James' football Jamboree. So, girl day it was! It was really neat.

After nap time our new family room furniture arrived!!! WOOHOOO!! I love it!! It is a really cool sectional from Haverty's. The color is called cappuccino. It is so much bigger than the couch and chair we used to have. We will all be able to sit together now. Nice!!!

After the furniture came I was off, minus my sweet baby girl, for a pedicure with my friend Cathy. It was nice to sit and have some "girl" talk time... minus husbands and kids. Sometimes time spent with just one friend alone can be nice. My toenails are red. I am REALLY trying hard to be more feminine. Let me tell you.. this girl stuff is WORK! I got so out of practice the last several years while chasing around kids and working to bring them home. Now, is just a little time for me.

I don't know if I mentioned before that I went through a modified targeted selection process with the school district recently and was placed in the Technology Specialist pool. Fancy shmancy, huh? It is kind of nice to stretch my brain a little after doing the same thing for 18 years. I am going to be taking a class to prepare for the Media Specialist certification test starting next month, too. I am just thinking that if I decide to leave the classroom but continue to work for the school district, I need to have options.

So... counting down to surgery on Wednesday and praying that Riley will do well.

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