Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Well, tomorrow is the day for Riley's surgery. I am so ready to get this over with. He is super hyper. I know that is just his way of dealing with his nervousness.

Here is the kicker. Riley doesn't have to be at the hospital until 1pm! Yup! That means he will not be able to eat from midnight until after his 2:30 pm surgery tomorrow. Now, I don't mean to sound nasty, but geesh!!!! How do I keep him happy ALL FREAKING DAY without food???? I mean really!!! I am hoping beyond all hopes he sleeps in tomorrow. If we can get him to sleep in until 9-10 am, like he loves to do on the weekends, then we at least have a battle worth fighting. We can distract... but only for so long.

For his 2 weeks of being out of commission we have bought puzzles, arts and crafts supplies and a few new DVD's. Any other suggestions from Mom's out there? We have to keep an VERY active 6 year old BOY inactive for 2 weeks!!! Once he starts feeling better it is going to be a challenge... but we have no choice until the stitches are gone.

Okay... thanks for listening to my nervous Mama rant.

1 comment:

B-squared said...

i don't have many other creative ideas for keeping a busy 6 year old occupied. Quinn just discovered card games - we love Uno and Blink and Peanut Butter&Jelly. We've also been playing Sorry! And maybe he can play computer games on pbskids.org or nickjr.com?
Good luck!