Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Where to Start?

Well, I have decided to take a teaching position in our neighborhood school. Now, as great as that sounds it comes with a lot of extra.... stress. Here is why:
  1. The school is in a different school district than where I currently teach.
  2. Riley would have to change schools... not sure if we can get him in to the neighborhood school.
  3. No Gifted program at neighborhood school for James. A decision would have to be made whether to send him to the school that has Gifted or have him attend neighborhood school.
  4. I would have to figure out how to stay covered under Health insurance until new insurance kicks in.
  5. We would have to find a speech pathologist to come to our home at least once a week for articulation. (Hopefully a cheap one!!!)
  6. I would no longer be able to take a paid leave upon returning from China. This is a biggie!!!!! We are already in a bind and this change makes leave much more tricky.
Now, that being said there is just so much more to this saga:
  • All of my teaching materials are at my old school. Everything would have to be moved home asap... prior to resigning from the district.
  • Once I resign, if Riley can't get into an appropriate program here, we have to find a program for him not affiliated with the school district.
  • I have to get all new paperwork for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers if I intend to continue working on game days. I do want to keep working for them. I don't know if the new district has a problem with this.
By the way, did I tell you Jerry just received a promotion and has changed schools? I am so proud of him. This is a good thing but it also keeps Riley from returning to his school from last year. It was 5 minutes from Jerry's school.

Things I have to do:
  1. Move my stuff
  2. Wait for referral
  3. Register the boys
  4. Father's Day gift
  5. Second Hep. immunizations for boys
  6. wait for referral
  7. Buy June Secret Pal gift... what was the theme again???
  8. Get my bloodwork done and schedule Dr. appointment
  9. Resign
  10. Complete new district employee paperwork
  11. wait for referral some more
  12. Get a haircut. I don't even remember when I had my last haircut. I am thinking it was in October when my MIL passed away.
  13. Work on nursery.
  14. Find Speech Pathologist
  15. Contact Tampa Bay Buccaneers
  16. Decide James' school situation
  17. Wait for referral
  18. Shop for clothes. How does one do this with two boys in tow?? James is getting a tad bit too old to go in the dressing room with me, yet I don't like leaving him where I can't see him.
Okay... maybe by just writing about my feelings of being overwhelmed it will help. Sometimes I would like to have a friend to talk about all of this with.

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